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If you’re having problems using Jetcost, you may find some useful informations here:
Jetcost is a search engine, so we don’t set prices ourselves. Flight prices and availability change constantly, depending on the information made available by the travel service provider . Nevertheless, we make sure the data is updated regularly to reflect this.
We make every effort to ensure the information you see on Jetcost is accurate and up to date, but very occasionally there can be reasons why the price is not updated on the site due to availability and due to updates time requirement.
As a travel search engine, we don't advertise prices ourselves, instead we display them on behalf of the travel providers. Jetcost doesn’t influence prices at all: we are only able to display the rates and availability that the travel providers pass through to us to be displayed. When we transfer you to the partner’s website to complete your booking, all flight details including prices will be updated and displayed. The final price you pay for your tickets may change because of additional options offered by the provider, such as luggage, seating options or travel insurance.
As we don’t set prices ourselves, it’s not possible for us to guarantee the final prices applied by airlines and travel agents. We make every effort to ensure that the information you see on Jetcost is accurate and up to date, but prices can change frequently as well as the availability of a flight. Very occasionally there can also be technical reasons why the price is not represented accurately.
Some airlines and travel agent websites might not offer the option to book their products in your preferred currency. However, if these products are shown on Jetcost, you should be able to book in your preferred currency. Please note that in case it’s not possible, the exchange rate will be set by your bank or credit card company.
Please contact your bank if you wish to know more about what type of exchange rate you would have to pay.
If you have a problem while making your booking, we’d recommend contacting the flight provider you are booking with. Jetcost doesn’t have access to airline and travel agent booking systems or websites.
Sometimes, website issues can be caused by browser-related problems. These can often be solved by clearing your browser cache and cookies. Occasionally, we may have a technical issue to solve and the website could not work properly.
90% of app problems can be rectified by uninstalling and reinstalling the app. We would recommend trying this first, please contact us if you’re still having problems.
To prevent detrimental effects on Jetcost’s website we use a solution which checks to ensure you’re using the website in a normal manner.
Occasionally, this may mean that a genuine user may be wrongly blocked. This can be for a number of potential reasons, including, but not limited to:
You’re using a VPN which we have had to block due to excessive bot traffic in the past;
You’re using our website at super speed which manages to beat our rate limits;
You have a plug-in on your browser which could be interfering with how our website interacts with you as a user;
You’re using an automated browser;
If you've been blocked during normal use, please try clearing your browser cache and cookies. If it doesn’t work, please contact us.
We update our database daily but It can happen that you don’t find an airline, an airport, or a route or travel provider on Jetcost. This may mean that the airline, the airport, the route or the travel provider missing is not available on our sites or we still have to insert it in our database.
If you want to search for direct flights only, you can filter your search result by clicking on the “One way only” tab on our search form. Inside your result page, you’ll be available to filter for direct flight only by flagging the “Direct” option on the top left column named “Stops”.
On Jetcost you can search for the best flights for your group of up to 9 adult passengers.
For more passengers, the airline or travel agent may require you to book by telephone or via a special section of their website. This is because airlines may have preferential group fares and separate terms and conditions.
To find out more, we recommend searching on Jetcost to identify which airlines and travel agents sell your chosen route, and then contacting the provider directly prior to booking to check their policy.
Some airlines might offer discounted airfares for children and/or infants. To help give you the most accurate flight prices and help you rest easy, we always ask if you plan to travel with children and/or infants.
Once you have entered the number of passengers , we display our flight search results to show the total price (given to us by the airline/travel agent) for everyone.
We don’t have the individual prices that make up this total but, to help you compare flights, we show the average price per person. This is the total group price, divided by the number of passengers – including children and infants.
If fare prices are cheaper for any children or infants travelling, you can be assured that we have already taken these discounts into account in the total price.
Once you have selected a flight, we will usually redirect you to the airline or travel agent's website where you will be able to see the fare price breakdown for all individuals travelling. We recommend checking this information carefully before you book, however the total price for all passengers should match the total price you were shown on Jetcost.
Some airlines have different rules and prices for people under age 18 who are travelling alone. We recommend you check this information with your chosen airline or travel agent before you book.
Jetcost is available in 15 languages.
On our desktop website you can change the language by clicking on the flag click in the top right menu of the screen and selecting your chosen country from the drop-down list.
To change language on our mobile website, tap the flag on the top right of the screen and choose your preferred country from the drop down list.
To do this on the app, tap the gear icon on the bottom left of the screen and select “Choose your country”.
Blue SAS
75, boulevard Haussmann - 75008 Paris, France
Email:[email protected]
Please note that we are not a travel agency and we don't sell tickets. If you have questions regarding a booking, please contact directly the travel agency or the airline.
Questions and feedback: [email protected]
Partnership opportunities: contact form
Jetcost team only communicates with @jetcost.com email address. Any mail that does not come from an address of this type does not come from our company.